The first field workers who fertilized this soil and watered it with sweat, even before it became a nation, harvested the pride of a labor that nobly and wholeheartedly feeds the entire world.
We started off with pure singing a rural brand with a lot of potential. 11 agricultural companies from the central and northern regions of the country joined forces to develop a major consortium for exporting the best quality Argentine meat to the world's most demanding markets.
They called on us to give a name, color, and voice to this union. For the graphic system, we developed a series of visual elements inspired by the aesthetics of the Argentine gaucho tradition, which represents an important cultural asset of the country and is recognized worldwide.
We complemented these elements with a delicate and sober color palette. The light blue and white appeal to the national identity, in honor of the Argentine flag. The golden and dark blue colors combine to create a subtle combination that provides the premium closure sought to position the brand at an international level.
We represented the logo as a stamp, a symbol of guarantee, closed deal, and promise kept.
This work also included translating the brand for the website: tierraspampas.com