In 2013, the creators of TUBOX decided to establish an automotive academy that would provide significant knowledge about mechanics to all kinds of people to help them improve their job opportunities. We helped TUBOX strengthen its offering through a genuine, robust, and professional image.

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We aim to convey an inspiring image of an academy with a street vibe. An academy that works closely to build a strong teacher-student relationship, so that students can absorb knowledge in a supportive, friendly, and stimulating environment, resembling as closely as possible their future workplace.

At TUBOX, we have three key pillars that shape the spirit of our academy to promote professional development, authenticity, and strong human connections.

The Academic / The Hands-On / The Human

That’s why we’ve developed a series of verbal expressions to give color to this unique voice.

Córdoba, Argentina

+549 3513 858 341


Córdoba, Argentina

+549 3513 858 341


Córdoba, Argentina

+549 3513 858 341


Córdoba, Argentina

+549 3513 858 341
